We are a family of urban stingless bee keepers living in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. As with many stingless bee keepers, our obsession and love affair with these gorgeous insects started with just one hive. Over many years we have grown from single hive owner to producing substantial quantities of native bee colonies.

Whilst we are not scientists, biologists, entomologists or otherwise, we spend endless hours observing, documenting, learning, experimenting, growing and sharing our knowledge of these fascinating and important insects and everything they produce. We are constantly seeking new innovations in the keeping, propagating and duplicating of Australian Native Stingless bees and there is still so much more to learn. We will always share what we know, have experienced or learned, but also we are open to hearing and learning from others’ experiences and knowledge. Whilst there are specific behaviours and properties of every species of native bee, every colony and hive is different depending on location, environmental factors and a whole range of other variables.This means that every hive is different and can provide unique learning opportunities.
Honeywood hives is truly a family affair, with our three boys involved in everything from hive rescues, box building, hive splitting and honey harvesting.
Since introducing our very first hive all those years ago, our boys now have an intricate knowledge of Australian Native Bees and regularly share their views and experience with their friends, family and sometimes even their teachers (which is pretty cool).

Everything we do is with our boys in mind. Keeping stingless bees has taught them so much about caring for, and taking notice of wildlife (right down to insect level). It has also given them intimate knowledge of the importance of bees to our future. We are working hard to create a legacy for our boys that they can continue with their own families into the future.
Our goal is to share our love and learning of Australian Native Stingless bees with the broader community, one bee, one hive, one child, one conversation at a time.
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